Devlog 2.3: Production

This had been the most interesting two weeks of my life. Well, at least in the realm of Day by Day that is. To say the team had run into a couple of things would be an understatement. 

Starting with how the game had gone through a series of changes would be a good start -- for one, our previous playtests had made us sure of one thing: we weren't going to be able to achieve everything we set out for Day by Day. That was inevitable from the start after we ran into our first major risk. The team is scoping down the number of weeks the player will be able to go through; rather than having 12 weeks, the player will be able to go through 3 lengthy weeks instead. That being said, a couple of things we had planned for this playtest were as followed:

1. Interface and illustration pop-implementation

2. Added breakroom + character animations

3. New + revised character dialogue 

4. 2nd (unfinished) week implemented

5. New + revised mini-game functionality and layout

Now leading up to this had been a series of ups and downs for the teams. While the team was able to achieve most of what they had planned, our schedule had broken down the minute our game wasn't able to build despite working in the editor. I'll spare you the details but just think of hours of work reduced to something completely broken. I'm sure you've been there. On top of that, when the game was finally built, the team had only run into more complications that would further hinder our playtests. This had pushed back everybody's playtests further and further. With the team as delirious as we were, we weren't as prepared as we hoped we would be from pre-production for a mishap like this to occur.

But hey, we did it (COWABUNGA)! We were able (for the most part) to implement everything we had planned for the playtest to test these features out.

Needless to say, playtests themselves went by pretty well. The team was able to learn the most about Day by Day through this playtest and is more than content with the feedback.  

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